Significance of Manglik Dosha in Match Making

Keeping in mind the systems and traditions involved in marriages in India, matching of the horoscopes plays an integral role in deciding whether or not the couple must marry. Most Hindu families even today, chose to take decisions based on the results of the matching of the horoscopes. The existence of the Manglik Dosha in the horoscope charts of either the bride or groom is considered a big problem and is typically considered to be among the most significant parameters to be checked in the entire match-making process.

Significance of Manglik Dosha in Match Making
Significance of Mangliks Dosha in Match Making

Why is it so Important?

The reason why this condition is given so much importance is because its effects are said to have a direct or indirect impact on the marriage, life and even death of the partners in several ways. For example, the placement of Mars in ‘Lagna’ means that the partner is likely to be aggressive or violent. Similarly, the placement of Mars in various positions of a Manglik person’s astrological chart may cause other problems ranging from adjustment issues with the family, family comfort, misunderstandings between the partners, divorce, or even early death of either one of the partners. Additionally, the placement of planet Mars in the 12th house represents the eradication of happiness in the marriages.

How do we Get rid of its Effects?

The Manglik Dosha can be effectively cancelled if the boy and the girl are under the same effects of this condition. It can also be further reduced in certain cases by finding oneself a partner who has relevant astrological properties in his or her horoscope that have a negating effect on the Manglik Dosha. It is said that the effects of this condition reduce after the age of 28 years and thus many brides and grooms choose to marry late in such situations.

One can also take advice from a trusted astrologer who may recommend some simple rituals and techniques that help in cancelling and reduction of its effects.